She Found Style

an attempt to discover my sense of style in one year and learning more about myself than I ever imagined along the way

Three Days Too Many

So you know how last week I admitted to wearing a pair of jeans for days on end?  Well, I took it one step further this week by wearing the exact same outfit three days in a row.  Hey, I liked it so I thought – why not?!  In my book, you simply cannot beat comfort.

Which led me to realize one of the real reasons why I love my work-from-home-stay-at-home-mom status. It’s not because it allows me to be available at all times to my family. It’s not because I can book a reservation and poach an egg at the same time. It’s not because I save time and money on traveling. It’s because I can wear the exact same outfit three days in a row and no one cares. In fact, it also means that I’ll get a compliment on my look each day, as if the previous day never happened at all!  Score.

Although I should add (if I’m being honest) I’m not sure my sister liked it that much.  On day three we drove in to Portland for a little fun and on the way back she insisted on rolling her window down.  In winter.  Hmmm.  Maybe three days in a row is pushing it a bit.


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6 thoughts on “Three Days Too Many

  1. Drat! You caught me red handed! Great post though and I agree, if you look cute in it, which you did, why not wear it everyday. I’m following your lead, I’m on day 4 of the same jean/boot combo. Why change it if it’s comfortable and works!

  2. I am one of those people, if you haven’t noticed already, who does this. I use to drive my family crazy, “take off that shirt already, it’s your 2nd week wearing it!” Yes, I said 2nd week. If you find good boots, wear ’em. If you feel good in a shirt, keep it on. If the jeans fit, wear ’em….even with spit up on them (maybe not :o))
    AND, I think that even if you were in the workplace, you should have every right to wear the same thing as long as you want without judgement~Keep on keeping on!

  3. K Macomb on said:

    I am definitely guilty…I find that I am doing this more lately. I wake up, and reach for my favorite jeans and hoodie. I immediately think, “Wait? Do we have to go to preschool today? Did I wear this there three days ago?” lol.

  4. You can pull it off. Cute ensemble!

  5. Pingback: Mixing It Up a Little « She Found Style

  6. Yes I am well known for doing this on a regular basis. sometimes I will switch up a underlayer to keep it fresh but if you are feeling an outfit keep it on. Plus its so true that kids totally don’t care how many days you rock an outfit!

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