She Found Style

an attempt to discover my sense of style in one year and learning more about myself than I ever imagined along the way

Matters of Simplicity

Some days all I can manage is to grab the first thing my hand touches, throw on my trusty boots and head out the door.  Luckily a turquoise necklace borrowed from my sister saved the day.  Simple, cheerful, earthy.

**By the way, I want to credit my sister for her fantastic photography.  We’ve been having a lot of fun working together on photography (I take my job as the teacher older sister seriously).  She’s got a wonderful eye – not to mention she is an incredible baker.

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4 thoughts on “Matters of Simplicity

  1. Those boots really are fantastic!

  2. You look great! Such a simple outfit, but looks so put together! That’s my goal. Love your blog!

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